Bybit Introduces a New Era of Hassle-Free Crypto Lending

Wednesday 3 May 2023, 8 : 03 am

DUBAI-Bybit, the third most visited crypto exchange in the world, has announced the launch of its new lending service: Bybit Lending.

This cutting-edge product lets users earn high-interest payouts on their idle crypto assets.

Bybit Lending offers a high APR, making it a convenient and lucrative way for users to earn passive income. Interest is paid hourly and users can deposit and redeem their funds anytime, allowing them to make the most of market fluctuations.

The product also benefits from Bybit’s state-of-the-art risk management systems, ensuring users’ assets are secured throughout the lending process.

By following four straightforward steps, users can embark on their lending journey with Bybit via the website or Bybit App version 4.16, making the lending product accessible for new and experienced clients alike.

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Lenders simply contribute their idle crypto assets to a pool to earn interest payouts.

Borrowers can utilize loans for multiple earning strategies, such as trading Bybit’s perpetual contracts or capturing a spread using Bybit Earn.

All borrowers will post collateral greater than/equal to the loan amount to ensure the safety of lenders’ capital.

Bybit Lending is an intermediary, bridging the gap between borrowers and lenders in the crypto environment.

And with Bybit’s enhanced KYC, AML, and proof of reserves, the process is as transparent as it is seamless.

“At Bybit, we believe in offering our users multiple avenues to generate passive income,” said Ben Zhou, co-founder, and CEO. “Bybit Lending allows users to utilize strategies such as borrowing from liquidity providers, carry trading, and taking advantage of high APR, giving our users various new options to grow their wealth.”

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