OnePlus Announces the Partneship with Pixelwoks on the Upcoming OnePlus 12

Tuesday 9 Jan 2024, 11 : 21 pm

CHINA-Global technology company OnePlus today announced that it has partnered with Pixelworks, the leading provider of visual processing solutions, to include the Pixelworks X7 Independent Visual Processor along with the company’s IRX gaming experience on the upcoming OnePlus 12.

The inclusion of the X7 will enable the OnePlus 12 to give full play to OnePlus’ in-house graphics processing algorithms with powerful rendering capability and stunning visual quality, making the gaming experience on the OnePlus 12 realistic, engaging, and smooth beyond belief.

As pioneers in their respective fields, OnePlus and Pixelworks share the same commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation, particularly in elevating mobile gaming experiences through enhanced visual processing technologies.

With the integration of the Pixelworks X7 Independent Visual Processor on the new OnePlus 12, the two companies are driving a significant leap forward in delivering high-resolution image quality and exceptional gaming performance on a mobile device.

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“We’re honored to continue partnering with Pixelworks to bring the X7 Independent Visual Processor to the OnePlus 12,” said Kinder Liu, President and COO of OnePlus.

“Celebrating a decade of OnePlus, the OnePlus 12 is a masterpiece ten years in the making that is set to deliver all-round flagship performance. Our goal is to provide users worldwide with the best all-round experience, and central to this are fully immersive visuals delivered through a best-in-class display. Through our year-long partnership with Pixelworks, we have benefited from the incredible synergies between both of our companies and we look forward to exploring further opportunities to boost the mobile gaming experience for our users.”

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Through the partnership with Pixelworks, the HyperRendering feature on the OnePlus 12 has been fully activated to redefine the concept of immersive gaming.

The incorporation of Pixelworks’ dedicated X7 Independent Visual Processor empowers the OnePlus 12 to deliver 2K super-resolution and supreme clarity with remarkable efficiency.

This includes silky-smooth motion quality at 120fps, ultra-low 10ms latency with imperceptible frame interpolation, intelligent real-time color calibration, and more.

Thanks to the inclusion of the X7 and support from Pixelworks, true-to-life visuals with intricate details and rich nuances can be fully presented on the OnePlus 12 to deliver ultra-realistic and captivating gaming experiences.

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“We are thrilled to partner with OnePlus to bring an immersive mobile gaming experience with supreme graphics quality to its users” said Ting Xiong, President of Pixelworks China.

“As the IRX certified smartphone, OnePlus 12 epitomizes the advantages of Pixelworks’ profound display technologies, rendering acceleration solutions as well as game performance and picture quality tunning expertise. OnePlus is our long-term strategic partner, we witnessed and participated in generations of OnePlus smartphone products. We appreciate OnePlus’ constant pursuit of better and we believe that OnePlus 12 will further extend the boundaries of visual experience for consumers with its premium picture quality and unparallelled gaming experience.”

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